Secure Business Information

Exceed regulatory compliance mandates, reduce time & money spent on audits, & protect sensitive information

The Facts

No one can afford to ignore information security, especially when it involves documents – both paper and digital. However, strict operational requirements surrounding document security, data privacy, retention policies and information disclosure can quickly overwhelm poorly equipped teams and unprepared organizations. Not to mention, penalties for non-compliance can be costly.


At West X, our goal is to help our clients implement effective strategies and solutions for controlling documents and records in a way that encourages compliance, mitigates legal risks, and aligns to corporate governance policies. Our approach focuses on four components of information security:

Secure Business Information

The Benefits

Mitigate Risk icon

Mitigate Risk

Improve Compliance icon

Improve Compliance

Protect Property icon

Protect Intellectual Property

Avoid Costs icon

Avoid & Reduce Costs

Disaster Recovery icon

Ensure Disaster Recovery

Streamline Operations icon

Streamline Operations

Our Methodology

To mitigate the risk of non-compliance or a security breach, you must build a culture of information security in your organization by regularly monitoring your security and information governance policies.


Conducting an information security assessment is the first step to building a culture of security and constant vigilance. Our security assessment methodology is a collaborative process that includes identifying security issues and their level of risk, as well as preparing a plan to mitigate these risks.


After a thorough assessment, we’ll help you implement the tools and processes to minimize threats and vulnerabilities.

Identify & Assess Information Security Assessment
Regulatory Landscape
Records Retention Schedules
Records Disposition Requirements
User Roles & Access Requirements
Disaster Recovery Programs

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Want to know more?

Contact West X Business Solutions today and let us help you secure business information.

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